Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a nevada mountain

Traveling in any direction from Reno brings a different set of scenery. Go west and you're in the Sierra Nevada range, forested, full of bears and other wild things and covered in snow through the winter into spring. Go south and you hit grasslands, cattle, horses and miles of wildness. Go east and you hit barren sandy land until outside of Fallon where the terrain takes on a wild desert beauty. Go northeast, and after the first 100 miles or so of alkali and sparse sagebrush - the country the pioneers pushed their wagons through - you get sagebrush covered desert backed up to lush mountains. A spring storm turns these mountains picturesque. 

my nevada


  1. The sky is so perfect it doesn't look real. Parts of Eastern Oregon looks like this, too. Truly breathtaking.

  2. It just was so beautiful...words don't describe it!
