Wednesday, September 21, 2011


No photos, just some inspiration from an artist who I follow and I want to share. Her site is 'An Artists Journal,' and today she emailed to her readers photos of stacks of papers she has created by painting, collaging, weathering, etc., and she later uses these in her work. Take a look. She also suggested going to The Altered Page,, where an artist named Seth Apter has started the 'Paper Stacks Project.' He's invited anyone and everyone to take photos of stacks of their inspiration and send a link to him. And there are dozens of people who have done that. Going through those links is just plain fun - and inspiring - though many of them are way too neat. lol. Take a look. Have fun. Happy Wednesday.


  1. How very cool! Thanks for sharing. I missed the date, and I've been busily un-stacking stacks in the studio, but I have a few I may post myself. Such a fun idea. = )

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog here. I really appreciate your kind words. So glad to have you for a reader. I love your blog and will get back here for more visits!

